Author: Jay Ileto

  • Humility Through Unbelief

    I was at mass the this past week and the gospel was preaching about belief. Jesus was beckoned by a man to help his son, driving out a demon that possessed him. “Jesus asked the boy’s father, ‘How long has he been like this?’ ‘From childhood,’ he answered. ‘It has often thrown…

  • Answered Prayers

    This week had a lot of mental and spiritual ups and downs. I was struggling a bit with how I view others and my interactions with them. I was contemplating big decisions and how those decisions might play out. There was a lot going on in my head and heart…

  • Flourishing in God

    I was at mass on Friday and the first reading was from Jeremiah, speaking of trusting in God. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not…

  • False Evidence Appearing Real

    “Cast your anxieties on him because He cares for you.” (1 Pt 5:7) I wanted to examine this awesome and wonderful chapter from Peter in discussing fear. It has been said fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Evidence is what we use to determine facts. If I can look up…

  • Feeding Your Inner Self

    We all know eating healthy is important and in many cases even vital. When then is it so hard? There is no easy simple answer. Often, it comes down to our relationship with food. How do we see it? What purpose does it serve? How readily available is it and…

  • Seeking and Finding Through Prayer: ASK

    It seems like a small think, but I pray to St. Anthony every time I lose something. Sometimes it’s big things, things that are important, like my passport. Other times, and more often, its insignificant things like my headphones or my nail clippers. It occurred to me a few months…

  • Faith Through The Fire

    As I write this post, there is a lot going on. As in there are a good deal of trials. As so many of us in life, I have a multitude of responsibilities that can easily be overwhelming, exhausting, and I wish there was an easier way… or at least…

  • A Spirit of Gratitude

    In keeping with last week’s post on vulnerability, I wanted to highlight another related topic. That is one of gratitude. Tony Robbins had a statement, “You can’t be angry and be grateful.” In my line of work as a physical therapist, I see a lot of anger. Not directly outrage…

  • Beginnings of Vulnerability

    In reflecting on writing this blog, I thought it appropriate to start with the topic of vulnerability. It such a vital component of our lives while also being an unsung hero. It infiltrates our relationships with ourselves, others, and most importantly, our creator. If we don’t have vulnerability, we don’t…

  • First thoughts

    Where to begin… I initially wanted to wrap this website and my job as a physical therapist into one pretty little package but have since reconsidered. I have been doing a lot of praying and am feeling the pull of the flesh while I am seeking what God’s plan is…